Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Taylor and Her Big Girl Bed

So Matt, Taylor and I set out to Ikea to buy Taylor her first "Big Girl's Bed." I was a little aprehensive in buying her one b/c I have been told by many different people, "leave them in their crib as long as you can b/c if you don't, putting them down for naps and bed-time will be impossible." But we decided we needed to get rid of the crib b/c she's quite the climber now. Anyway, I put her in it last night, she cried for a few minutes b/c of the new situation then went straight to sleep. She then woke up at 4:30 am, probably b/c she didn't realize where she was, but then was fast asleep in 5 minutes. She didn't wake up until 10 the next morning. Then today I put her down for her nap and she slept 2 hrs. She didn't get out of her bed once. I was thrilled, what a success!!!


The McGuffin Family said...

You have a beautiful family. Our Grace loved her "Big girl" bed and refused to sleep in anything else once she got a taste of one at a cousins house. I was happy to hear from you and to see you are doing so well. Tell your sister and parents I say hello.

breezy said...

Cute Bed! Ashton was one & a half when he switched to a bed and he didn't have any problems ever with it. Every kid is different and I think Taylor will be fine, just be consistent about what you expect from her and her bed and you she'll do great!

Brittany said...

That's really ambitious of you!! The bed is really cute and goes perfect with her other furniture. Hope work is going ok.

Kevin, Sarah & Kids said...

You've been tagged, not like you have the time but since Melissa got me I thought I would spread the love
can't wait to see your answers
lots of love

A Wrinkle in Time said...

She is so cute! I can't wait til ella is big enough to play with her when we visit!